Device Details


Name | Version: Arp1 1.0
Author: dedbird
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is just a simple arpeggiator with a note stealer added, I cobbled it together from bits found around the net.
I've been finding it surprisingly playable, it just arpeggiates in played order and at whatever velocity the original note was played at, but I've found myself using it a lot.

I thought I'd post it as a starting point in case anyone with greater Max skills than myself (not hard) feels like expanding it further.


Live Version Used: 8.2
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Oct 07 2010 17:29:32
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 1781
License: None
Average Rating (3)

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Device File: Arp1.adv.amxd

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