Device Details


Name | Version: Hindsight 1.0
Author: dataf1ow
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Hindsight is a looping engine built in Max 7 for Ableton Live. It has a wealth of features fore realtime performance, and improvisation, but is just as comfortable in a studio setting rearranging incoming audio, and allowing you to sequence, chop, record, and mangle in real time from Push 1 and Push 2.

Included in the download is the hindsight device, full documentation, some files for further integration with a KMI Softstep and a companion device that will open up some of the input features for real time beat chopping to any MIDI controller.

Check out a basic overview:

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Live Version Used: 9.7.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.3
Date Added: Apr 05 2017 09:36:01
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 4
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Cool device, was looking for something along these lines for an upcoming performance.
I have one question though, is there a way to mute the incoming audio so that nothing but the looped audio plays? I am pretty clueless when it comes to gen, so I had no idea how to make it work.

Also, I made a personal edit that increases the loop length to 8 bars, but was unable to get it to work for 16 bars. If there was a way to provide a wider range of loop lengths that would definitely serve my purposes better.

The last thing I noticed are some audible clicks and pops when the loop button is engaged or disengaged while something is playing. Probably a simple fix, but I couldn't quite figure out where to implement it myself.

Anyway, nice device, has lots of interesting potential uses for me.
Yeah, just turn the IN-> Out button to off. that's already implemented.

You'll need to increase change the size of the buffer used for recording the loop.

There are some clicks, and it's not exactly an easy fix if you're not savvy with genexpr and you'd have to parse through my poorly commented code to find out where I'm doing the fading. I'll have to look into this, it would be helpful if you could define what 'while something is playing' means. Does that mean while a loop is playing in hindsight? Or does it mean while audio is coming into hindsight?

The pops occur whether or not audio is being actively sent to hindsight and will occur when starting or. I am curious about whether or not there is smoothing applied to the loop button and if there isn't, then probably a small envelope would completely sort that aspect out.
I do apply envelopes to most everything to help alleviate clicks and pops. The loop button does more than just fade in and out the output of the looper, so simply smoothing that input wouldn't solve this. what happens when you hit the loop button depends on settings elsewhere in the device, with different audio streams fading in and out.

I am not handling the output summing logic in the most elegant way, so I will be re examining that soon. It's not as simple as adding a small envelope unfortunately, but it will get fixed! Thanks for bringing it to my attention, and making it a priority moving forward.
2 bugs here. Colors above 4 don't work and I'm not getting playhead feedback on push one in the default view (not the seq view which does have a play head)

Just 2 ideas; you have a thru play mode and a gate mode but you don't have a thru play gate mode that plays thru while heald.
Theres a monome device called mlr you may have heard of. The only real difference between hindsight and mlr is on the monome you can hold one slice point down and then touch another and it creates a loop between them.

You knocked the slice recording out of the park though I've been wacking away at that for a couple days now. So good.
Thanks for checking in -

The reason colors above four don't work is that, there are no colors above four. I should limit that number box or add more colors.

playhead feedback on push 1 is working fine for me - any errors in the ma window? (right click on device title bar, show max window). Is this the same for all color palletes? Live, max and os version?

I actually used MLR years ago, and I always wanted to make a version that was based on live input, and worked instead of Live seamlessly. I could add those features in. My initial thoughts would be just add the 'gate play thru' behavior into gate mode, and have the loop point definitions be part of thru mode. The loop point definitions are exactly like the loop modification section, so that feature is available, just not from the pads.

I love the slice recording. Using that with the grab sequencer is rhythmic mayhem. Also overdubbing live instruments into a playing slice sequence is really interseting.
Windows 10, live 9.7.1 max 7.3.2 when I drop the device on the track I get error newobj floor: No such object. I just noticed now that when I select push as the controller I get a huge list of no valid ibject and invalid path. Kinda surprising considering how great its been working. I can email it to you if that would help.
Ah, ok. I can fix the floor thing, which is why the playhead isn't working.
The errors are likely an initialization order thing, do they persist after selecting a slot?
I'll shoot you an email with the playhead fix in later today.
Hey, So I'm using a dell inspiron with push 1 and i do not get the red and green l.e.d.'s following the the sequence on my push, but when i do it on a friends computer with a mac it works fine. is this not properly optimized for pc, or do i just have to change a setting?
They're working on that. Said they'd have a fix shortly.

Another bug is the color doesn't recall on loading a set.

Aside from the bugs it's still my favorite new toy.
Version 1.1 (which all purchasers should've received an email about) has the red green fix in.

I am getting the color setting to properly recall on the device on set load, is it just not recalling on the hardware?
The device shows the right color number but the push one shows the default color. If I move the row on the one thats the wrong color it then starts showing the right color.

Play head fix worked great.

Since I'm using the recording function on push (I don't know what termonology you use for some of the features, the bottom scene button is what I mean) I don't have need for the sequencer view. I wonder how difficult it would be to have the option of making the sequencer a parameter sequencer that can map to live parameters? That would be really cool. You could map it to an effects chain selector and get down to some craziness. Feel free to ignore my ideas that don't strike your fancy I know they are tall orders.
Just noticed if I save a set and then reload it the device won't show on push. If I reboot live and open that set it does show.
"Since I'm using the recording function on push (I don't know what termonology you use for some of the features, the bottom scene button is what I mean) I don't have need for the sequencer view. "

I'm not sure if you know this, but your comment mad it seem like you thought that the grab sequencer is useless if you're using the jump sequencer.
If you are using the bottom scene button to record slices, you can play that sequence back, and also play back the grab sequencer at the same time. There are two playheads in the device, so you might find a use for it yet.

I do plan on adding built in effects with their own sequencers. I can see how adding a mappable sequencer could be interesting though. I will keep that in mind for future versions.

I've had some issues with loading,reloading sets on occasion. I'll have a look at this in the coming days, and see if I can figure out what's going on.
Just noticed if I save a set and then reload it the device won't show on push. If I reboot live and open that set it does show.
Interesting I'll check that out. When using multiple insurances how do you pick which seq view you go into?
The sequencer will only display if you have the track that the particular instance of hindsight is on selected.
I can't figure out what causes it but I keep losing the ability to record the jump seq. I'll hold down the button and it flashes red and then when I push it to start recording it jumps to playback.
I can't figure out what causes it but I keep losing the ability to record the jump seq. I'll hold down the button and it flashes red and then when I push it to start recording it jumps to playback.
Looks like the slice recording stops working if I change tempo at some point during playback.
I often find myself wishing I could record stops in the slice recorder. I often find when Im slicing around that it eventually seems too busy. There is gate mode which is cool but actually not busy enough (useful for other stuff of course) and its hard to roll your fingers in a way that makes gate mode play consecutive slices smoothly. Would be cool if while you record slice rearranging if you could tap a stop, wait however long and then tap some more spices. That way on playback you get a nice break.

Even cooler would be the ability to choose to pass live audio during stops.

Still crazy about your device. Any word on current bugs?
Hi, may it work on live 9.0.4 / max 6?
Hi, may it work on live 9.0.4 / max 6?
This will not work on Max 6 unfortunately. The audio processes were coded in Gen and requires max version 7.3 and above. The control surface integration requires Live 9.5 and above.
Hello ! just bought this m4l effect but I get no sound. tried every button... no sound passing through and no sound recorde...I'm using Ableton 9.7.3 and M4L 7.3.4. on Mac Book Pro (Maverick). What's wrong ?
Thanks for helping !
I'll say this here as well: haven't had any issues reported so I have no idea what's going on. Might be operator error. Any errors in the Max Window? Right click on the device title bar > Open Max Window

It was developed on Live 9.7, max 7.3, and Mac osx 10.10, so that all checks out. Have had no issues reported, as I said, so this might be something you're overlooking, or something system specific.

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