Device Details
Name | Version: | VeneLoop II 2.0 |
Author: | dric |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | Hello i've modified the first version of my device. now there are five buffers, overdrive, downsample fx, gain (Gain can produce soft saturation if the value if higth.) and Tree parameters modulable with dedicated function object. and some improvements, fixed some bugs. Veneloop is LoopPlayer that is possible to control the speed, amp, pan, downsample fx, and overdrive with five dedicated "function" objects very prescisly. This doing that it's easy to make syncoped beat, glitch, vinyl effect ect quickly. Veneloop work with a preset box, this is an part important of this device. each presets is an note on keyboard that you can sequenced simply. (note c1...B4) How it work? simply like that: 1) load loops in the five buffers with a perfect crop , the better result with short loop of 1 bar or 2 bars and enter the original tempo of the loop. For each loops. 2) Click on the button Live/Edit at the top of preset box. this cut the incoming midi note for the preset box. now even if an note come the preset no change when you edit. 3)Select an loop, shape the sound with the five functions object, experiment the result is good, save an preset. After this click on the button write and save the .json on your HHD, then click on the button "read" and redrop the json that you save before. Now the presets is reloaded each time that you reopen your set. The parameters for Gain, Downsample, and Overdrive are hidden by live, they are only stored in the preset box. (The function object for downsample and overdrive, pan are bipolar, middle is no modulation.) The grid of function object represent the total time of sample if the parameter "speed" is on 1, if is 2 the grid represent the total time divid by 2 ect.. that mean more speed. save the preset before close the set, or all setting is lost. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I've made a little set example quickly that how to use. may be you need to drop the json file on the device like i explain before. json is on the set folder. sorry for my english :) |
Live Version Used: | 9.6.2 |
Max Version Used: | 7.2.4 |
Date Added: | Oct 07 2016 06:49:22 |
Date Last Updated: | Oct 07 2016 09:03:17 |
Downloads: | 1737 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
4 |
Device File: | VeneLoop2.amxd |
Nice changes! Here a few things I would try to implement and something I probably don't really get is the Loops don't seem to be switchable via automation. I'd certainly make more available to automation, I can't even assign the loop buttons to macros or keys, so that's quite annoying coz you wanna switch loops on the fly. A draw mode like the pen you get in Live's piano roll to edit the envelopes would be really nice and copy pasting the envelopes maybe some editing features and curves. Of course you could probably add 100 more things but I feel like those would really help a lot using it in just the way it is. Anyway all up to you nice device!
Posted on October 08 2016 by Anivia |
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What was I talking curves was in all along xD, and easy enough to get that BuffSel in the automation as well. I like it a lot!
Posted on October 10 2016 by Anivia |
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hello, yes the loop is not switchable via automation, my goal is make an device really simple to use. My choice is just play with notes, very simply.
There are 48 presets, 48 variants possible of original loop. (if you use just one buffer). And you can of course add some other instances if you want more.
May be in the futur i implement the possibility to copy and paste envelope, but for this time you can copy and paste one preset to an other.
Thanks for your comment.
There are 48 presets, 48 variants possible of original loop. (if you use just one buffer). And you can of course add some other instances if you want more.
May be in the futur i implement the possibility to copy and paste envelope, but for this time you can copy and paste one preset to an other.
Thanks for your comment.
Posted on October 10 2016 by dric |
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hello, yes the loop is not switchable via automation, my goal is make an device really simple to use. My choice is just play with notes, very simply.
There are 48 presets, 48 variants possible of original loop. (if you use just one buffer). And you can of course add some other instances if you want more.
May be in the futur i implement the possibility to copy and paste envelope, but for this time you can copy and paste one preset to an other.
Thanks for your comment.
There are 48 presets, 48 variants possible of original loop. (if you use just one buffer). And you can of course add some other instances if you want more.
May be in the futur i implement the possibility to copy and paste envelope, but for this time you can copy and paste one preset to an other.
Thanks for your comment.
Posted on October 10 2016 by dric |
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Yeah presets of course are a possibility, right now I modified it for my needs, added what I wanted to automation and I'm getting good results, it's really fun because you can set the bpm individually each time and if you find the sweet spots you can hack and slash, pitch and backward, samples quite nicely. Thanks for the infos. Keep up your great work!
Posted on October 10 2016 by Anivia |
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