Device Details
Name | Version: | funkmachine 0.1 |
Author: | marcushorndt |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | I started a machine, that puts out a funky bassline from a single note input. You have the possibility to generate a random pattern (out of specific intervals) of pitches, and a second pattern of rhythmic values (out of sub-patterns). You can fill in rests at every 16th beat. There is also a general Note-Length-Dial and a Swing-Factor-Dial. Original idea by Jakob Heyer. Planned: - improve pattern stability - weighting of root note, or other notes - weighting of specific patterns - integration of velocity, generating velocity patterns - eliminating timing problems, concerning also note length diversity - cleaning up source-code |
Live Version Used: | 8.4.1 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.9 |
Date Added: | Jan 27 2014 13:17:42 |
Date Last Updated: | Jan 27 2014 15:47:37 |
Downloads: | 1510 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercial |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
4 |
Device File: | MH_funkmachine_v0.1.amxd |
very nice, thx man!
Posted on January 28 2014 by egnouf |
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And I'm always up to ideas, hints, any input from you guys!
And I'm always up to ideas, hints, any input from you guys!
Posted on February 18 2014 by marcushorndt |
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