Device Details


Name | Version: Slicer 1.0
Author: 12RT2
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Slice clip to new clips.
When you want to slice your MIDI clips, or audio; and also save your warp processing unlike the "Slice to a new midi track" function.

Put the device on the wanted clip's track, set the clip's start and end markers (the loop brace isn't enough) to select the part you want to cut (like when you cropping audio for the "slice to midi" func.). Now make sure the clip is selected, choose to slice per 16 bars 8, 4, 2, 1 bars, half a bar, or a single beat, and press the Slice button.
When slicing into slices greater than 1 bar, make sure your start marker is on the beat grid. If a smaller size is chosen, the first slice will be shortened to fit the grid.
Want the new clips to be looped? Just turn the "loop" button on. It gonna be hard to do it later if the clips aren't looped because the loop braces are not snapped to the start/end markers when the loop is off (limitation -in this case- of max).

[Goes Perfectly with the Sequenscene device, if you want to launch those clips using a drum rack, with push, for example... ]


Live Version Used: 9.0.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.4
Date Added: Nov 07 2013 18:24:14
Date Last Updated: Nov 09 2013 13:25:16
Downloads: 1334
License: None
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Device File: slicer.amxd


Nice idea but the problem is that the start of the sample is always the same across all the clips it creates, the only thing that changes is the position of the loop. So you need to readjust it afterwards, great idea but adjusting each start of the sample so it is the same as the start of the loop is a long process. I wonder if there is a way to by pass this?
Strange, seems like a bug. let me check for myself.
I checked it and all fine here. But I did made some changes to try to eliminate the chances for this to occur. Can U check?
One of the most awesome patches ever made!
It's fantastic, big THANKS!!!
Thanks, oscillator!
Thanks, oscillator!
Thanks 12RT2, I have checked the updated version and that worked flawlessly; this is one the most useful max for live devices I have ever used! Well done!
Hektagon I'm glad it works. Thank you and have fun!
Thank you, very useful device! I have a feature request: would it be possible to add 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 measures so i can get shorter slices?
Hi sawtooth!

I'll be happy to make it happen, but it seems the function for this in the max4live api (the platform which gives the control over live's parameters) has a bug, when using beat units smaller than 1/4.

Furthermore, this is actually quite risky for the ordinary user, as it creates lots and lots of clips (8 clips per bar at 1/8, 16 clips at 1/16), and without noticing you can overload your project. I can solve it by creating a box to specify a limit of clips to be created, but as I said, this feature will not function well for now.
Meanwhile, you can stretch the clip to twice the length before slicing, using the [repitch] algorithm, and then shrink it back. This way you can get 1/8 pieces. If you stretch it 4 times the length you get 1/16.

I'm glad you're enjoying the patch.

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