Device Details


Name | Version: Pitch2Map PC version 1.0
Author: kleine
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Pitch2Map is a monophonic pitch estimator where the pitch tracking data can be mapped to any Live parameter via the Map button. It uses the fiddle~external, therefore the .zip contains device versions for Mac and PC.
It was quickly done so i hope it meets your expectation. There are some features to consider for a later version (better scaling etc.)


Live Version Used: 9.0.1
Max Version Used: 6.1
Date Added: Mar 13 2013 06:51:50
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 988
License: None
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Device File: Pitch2MapPC.amxd


Hi Christian, great device! I think fiddle~ would be fun to use in generative patches as well. Just curious, where did you pick up the Windows version? All I can find online is OSX. Thanks!
You can find the Win versions here:
Hi, I really want this to work for me! Exactly what I was looking for with my new project. The device appears to be tracking, but when I try to map, the button just keeps blinking. I'm trying to map it to another track, but I've tried it mapping to parameters on the same track and it doesn't do anything with that either. Help? Thanks!
Thanks! This was useful in creating a patch for controlling midi instruments with your voice.. If you are interested in it shoot me an email :)

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