Device Details


Name | Version: naModSeqPush3S 1.0
Author: Gross9978
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is a version of my other device NAModSeq that works with Push2,3 controller and standalone. It only has one sequencer instead of multiple but can be grouped into racks so you can have as many or as few as needed without taking up to much screen space on Push. There's no device UI as it's meant to be primarily used with Push 3 standalone. 

The following instructions for use are included in a popup on the device in Live if needed.

After loading the device you should be able to “Grab” control of your Push3.  If you’re using Push2 or if Push3 isn’t recognized navigate to the SetUp page and choose your controller. After that you can “Grab” control of your Push from either the SetUp page or the Map page. Once initially Grabbed you can also grab/release by pressing the shift and select buttons at the same time.

Selecting another device, track or entering session view will release control of the Push, returning to note view  or selecting the device will re”grab” the Push based on the last settings.

To map a control-
The Push needs to be “Grabbed” for mapping to work.
Make sure the Push has been “Grabbed” and navigate to the Map page.
Turn the dial to “Map” and select your chosen other device/parameter. When you reselect the device the “Map” bank will be renamed to the parameter you’ve chosen as an indication the mapping was successful. There’s also a “Grabbed Parameter” knob on the Map page so you can test that the mapping worked by ear.
Selecting “UnMap” will, surprise, unmap the parameter and return the bank name to “Map”.
There are controls for Mod type- Mod/Remote, Mod Polarity,-Bipolar/Unipolar, Mod amount and Range depending on the Mod type selected.

The Steps page has 8 knobs for setting the mapped values that will advance every time a midi note enters the device from a clip. 

Push Control-
The top row of the Push Button Matrix is used to set the amount of steps the sequencer has, changes are reflected in the Push Steps display. The color of the pads can be chosen from the SetUp page, this can help, somewhat, with remembering what’s what if using multiple devices.
The second row is a display for the currently playing step in the sequence.
On the third row the left Dark Red button will randomize the step values, the Light Red button will scramble the vales and the right Dark Red button will reset all values to zero.


Live Version Used: 12.1.5
Max Version Used: 9
Date Added: Jan 13 2025 16:43:24
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 117
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: naModSeqPush3S.amxd


Great update to an excellent sequencer, thanks!
For sure, thanks for the help testing it out :)

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