Device Details


Name | Version: 16 Pitch Change 1.0
Author: an21
Device Type: MIDI Transformation
Description: *** In english ***
This device allows you to change the pitch of an incoming note.

It enables you to adapt a 16-pad drum rack to a controller without modifying the drum rack itself.

I use it with USB gamepads to route MIDI notes.

It enters from the left and exits on the right. When it processes the signal, the middle LED lights up.

The IN and OUT notes at the top allow you to monitor in real-time what comes in and goes out of the device. Enjoy making music!

If you like my work and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee !

*** En français ***
Ce device permet de changer le pitch d'un note entrante.

Cela permet d'adapter un drum rack de 16 pad à un controleur, sans modifier le drum rack.

Je l'utilise avec des gamepads usb, pour router les notes midi.

Ca rentre par la gauche, ça ressort par la droite. Quand ça passe, la led du milieu s'allume.

Les notes IN et OUT en haut, permettent de monitorer en temps reel ce qui rentre et sort du device.

Amusez-vous bien !


Si vous aimez mon travail et que voulez me sponsoriser, vous pouvez me payer un café !


Live Version Used: 11.3.35
Max Version Used: 8.5.8
Date Added: Nov 02 2024 22:50:47
Date Last Updated: Nov 04 2024 22:34:01
Downloads: 129
License: None
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Device File: 16 Pitch Change.amxd


Does this product have the same function as Akai MPC's 16Level Pitch ?

If it's right, it's a feature I really wanted.
But I don't know how to use it

Is there a Video Tutorial or something?
I'd appreciate it if you could give me an answer.
Hi, I dont know the MPC 16 level pitch, I never had a mpc.

There is no youtube video for that. It takes more time to explain with a tuto video than coding a device...

Perhaps one day, I will do that for all of my devices.

16 pitch change is quite simple to use.

All the notes of the track are visible monitoringthe IN box (white) and OUT box (green)

There are 16 lines. Each line has a left and right box with a circle buton in the middle.

The notes arrive by the left box and exit with the pitch change by the right box.

You need to choose the note you want to change on the left box (target) per exmple 36.

When reach, the buton should blink. The note enter on the good pitch.

Choose the pitch change you want on the left box per exmple 40. The note pitch is modified and you can see this change in the OUT box (green)

When you play your note 36. IN white box says 36 and OUT green box says 40.

Your note 36 has been change to 40. On a drum rack, it appears like PAD1 become PAD5.

I will do a version with the add of a note pitch in letter for IN and OUT box.

Hope is ok for you now. Explain me you want with you MPC 16 level pitch. I could make a device for this.

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