Device Details


Name | Version: SliceToolEG 1.4
Author: Gross9978
Device Type: MIDI Generator
Description: 1.4 Added a waveform display to the probability page, in some slice modes it makes it easier to tell where you are in the sample.

1.3 Added ability to nudge each Gate Lane.
Each Lane has an arrow icon, clicking the left will nudge the pattern left, clicking right will nudge the pattern right and clicking in the middle of the arrows will reset the pattern.
Adding to or modifying the Lanes/Pitches after nudging  will create a new starting point for the rotation.
Note- If the Lane length is larger than the amount of Steps it can produce results that seem off in the rotation/clip. Initially I limited the range of the lanes to always be < == to the Steps but found that I liked the possible results better this way. If Nudge doesn't  seem to be doing what you expect, check that the Lanes are < == the amount of Steps.

1.2 Bug fixes/ added invert pattern and quantize. SliceToolEG no longer outputs notes until a parameter has been changed or sync has been clicked. Previously it would add notes to a clip unexpectedly when selecting a clip after opening a project. An invert button will invert the pattern used to generate note positions. Replaced the table with a multislider with a display for selected slice and chance percentage while adjusting. "Q" will quantize the notes to the current grid in Live.

1.1-Added a selectable mode to determine pitches.
In the bottom right clicking "Random" will generate random pitches for the created notes, clicking "Probability" opens a table with one column for each slice in Simpler, clicking the piano keys will show/hide the table.
The higher the column is the higher the chance that pitch or slice will be created, the table displays the x/y position with x being the slice in Simpler starting from 0, y can be ignored. Visually I like it better without the info displayed but it can be useful ,if there's a lot of slices, to tell what note you're choosing.

  SliceToolEG is a variation of my other device SliceTool, I kept using my other tools with Simpler to get various rhythms and wanted a quick way to get the pitches sorted so I combined a few other tools into this one.
Clicking "sync" will get the slice info from Simpler in slice mode to set the random pitch amount so it's in sync with the available pitches but has no effect on the note position like SliceTool does. You can then use either Gates or Euclidean mode with the Step amount to generate notes in the clip. Clicking "Invert" will invert the gates in the selected mode. 
Euclidean is self-explanatory with options for hits and rotate.
Gates is the same as my 3Gates Tool with options to randomize and scramble the gates.
At the bottom are ranges for random chance and velocity. If you fill the clip in either mode you can use the chance range to use probability instead of the generated gates.
It should stay in sync with Simpler but if it gets out of wack just click "sync" again.


Live Version Used: 12.1
Max Version Used: 9
Date Added: Oct 13 2024 18:12:27
Date Last Updated: Nov 21 2024 01:55:12
Downloads: 338
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: SliceTool_E_G.amxd


greatly appreciate your tools! thank you for providing them free, and for making them so awesome! really useful stuff.
Thanks, glad you like them

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