Device Details


Name | Version: DrumMaker 1.1
Author: Gross9978
Device Type: MIDI Transformation
Description: 1.1 bug fix/UI tweak. DrumMaker now only effects the midi in the clip once a pitch has been selected, the automatic remapping was driving me crazy. It still auto populates the available pitches you just have to select each one before they'll take effect. If there's less than 8 available pitches it now leaves off the remaining lanes. I think it makes it easier to use that way.

DrumMaker lets you take a MidiClip and repurpose the available pitches for use with a DrumRack. 

 Click the Drumrack on the bottom right and click the piano keys at the bottom left an it'll get the first 16 cells of a drum rack along with all of the available pitches in the clip. It'll automatically set the first 8 pitches to the first 8 cells in the rack but if you click on the cell name or note you can select other cells/pitches to use instead.

I mainly use it for quickly remapping long midi clips generated by sequencers. 


Live Version Used: 12.1
Max Version Used: 9
Date Added: Aug 26 2024 18:09:26
Date Last Updated: Nov 04 2024 02:27:54
Downloads: 272
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: DrumMaker.amxd


This is useful to turn a whole range of MIDI loops into drums instead I think.
Yeah it can be used with any midi really. I was doing it by hand forever and just want a quicker way to do it, thought someone else might find it useful. 

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