Device Details


Name | Version: TreeTool -MidiTool 1.6
Author: Gross9978
Device Type: MIDI Generator
Description: 1.6 small ui fix
1.5 Bug fixes and reworked/removed a few unnecessary things. TreeTool no longer outputs notes until a parameter has been changed. Previously it would add notes to a clip unexpectedly when selecting a clip after opening a project. 
Added ability to quantize the notes to the current grid in Live.

 TreeTool is a Midi Generator based on a sequencer I made a while ago. The idea is that there are 8 rows of notes each row with as many choices of notes (step one has one, step two has two etc). It creates a Euclidean pattern and once all 8 rows have been used it starts again from row 1 over and over.

You can select the notes by hand or select a range in the top left and click the dice for a random selection of notes for each row.  Clicking "NP" will generate a new slightly different pattern from the same set of notes. The Scale button keeps the tool in sync with Lives current Scale. "Q" will quantize the notes position to the current grid in the Clip.
At the bottom there are the Steps, Notes and Rotate controls that control the gate patterns for the sequence.

All of the available notes are used in order 1-8 regardless of the gate pattern so depending on how many notes you have in the pattern it may not seem as if there's as much variation. If you have a 32 step sequence with only 8 notes you're only running through the pattern 1 time if you have 32 steps and 16 notes you've run through the pattern 2 times etc.

In the bottom right are min/max controls for velocity that is randomly generated with each new pattern.

Thanks to Philip Meyer for an example on how to turn gate patterns into steps in a clip. If you're not following him on YouTube or other spots I recommend it.

Any suggestions are welcome, especially if you can tell me how to implement them. Thanks:)


Live Version Used: 12.1
Max Version Used: 9
Date Added: Jun 09 2024 01:17:13
Date Last Updated: Nov 21 2024 01:53:04
Downloads: 519
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: TreeTool.amxd

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