Device Details


Name | Version: ProbSEQ 1.1
Author: Gross9978
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: 1.1
-If the note is not in Key chance is set to 0 instead of just being Scale corrected.

ProbSEQ is an 8 step sequencer based on the simplified idea of Impromptu ProbKey from VCV Rack .
There is a chance amount for Note, Step and Octave and a range for Velocity.
Clicking Key will cycle between Key and Drum mode.
In Key the device will stay in sync and display the notes for the currently selected scale in Live. Clicking Scale will turn this off and the chromatic scale will be available. The chance for Notes is on each key, step chance is below and octave above.
In Drum the first 16 slots of a drum rack are available.
Both modes have a slider on the right for Velocity range and a fixed note length.


Live Version Used: 12
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Apr 28 2024 17:01:08
Date Last Updated: Sep 22 2024 00:05:08
Downloads: 193
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: ProbSEQ.amxd

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