Device Details


Name | Version: Basic Sequencer 1.00
Author: BuzzDK
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is an experimental basic Midi sequencer. It is note-triggered and will repeat notes at the given interval. It can be used to control a live parameter e.g. a chain selector in a Midi effect - or instrument rack.
It sends out short notes suitable for triggering samples. If you want to control instruments you can put in devices for note length/pitch/chord etc. on each chain.

Please note: This device requires the Live transport to run!

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

If you would like to better organize your Ableton sets, please check out my app at the Microsoft store:


Live Version Used: 12.0
Max Version Used: 8.6.0
Date Added: Mar 12 2024 09:18:30
Date Last Updated: Mar 27 2024 10:45:40
Downloads: 364
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: BasicSequencer.amxd


Hey I have a pretty stupid question. Would you know how to run this in Max? I'm a beginner in Max and I have tried the things I have learned but they don't seem to work. Thx!
To venezoid:
Sorry mate, don't know how to answer this.
Max for Live is not easy for beginners, there is too much to learn, but keep learning!
Someone wrote a guide and some kind words for this device:

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