Device Details


Name | Version: Simple MIDI CC Sample and Hold 1.1
Author: LewdSmut
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A simple clocked sample & hold for MIDI CC messages (all other non-CC MIDI messages should pass through unaffected. Set the time in milliseconds to set the interval between clock pulses. Maximum interval is 30 seconds, which was chosen totally arbitrarily.

Update 1.1: Fixed the issue for multiple CC#s being sent at once. It should work fine now.


Live Version Used: 10.1.30
Max Version Used: 8.1.8
Date Added: Dec 01 2020 04:42:54
Date Last Updated: Dec 01 2020 19:44:55
Downloads: 129
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: Simple MIDI CC Sample and Hold.amxd


I used this to prevent the IAC Driver on MacOS from shutting down;

The LFOs in Ableton are so high resolution that it was causing the internal MIDI bus to overload, but I put this device on the MIDI output and set the time to 5ms, and it lowered the number of MIDI commands enough to still be virtually indistinguishable for any practical application while still continuing to work.

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