Device Details


Name | Version: Willas Poly 1.2
Author: WillasRod
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Made this one by following Eric Ameres' M4L tutorials on YouTube and some other tutorials for the preset part. It's my first attempt at making something in M4L, so it's pretty basic.
I'll add more to it once I've learned how.


Live Version Used: 9.1.5
Max Version Used: 6.1.8
Date Added: Oct 21 2014 09:50:23
Date Last Updated: Nov 15 2014 07:24:09
Downloads: 737
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: WillasPoly1.amxd


Hey, thanks for this, I've used his videos myself. I believe you need to freeze everything together and then update however, the bpatchers and poly abstraction were not included. cycling 74 has a bunch of forum posts on it now; looking forward to this.
Hey, the synth looks great, but Monetus is right. You need to Lock and freeze. I've used the same tutorials myself in the making of my (rather messy under the hood) Nerd Electro. I really want to check out your synth once you have re-posted to see how you've done things :)
Thanks for the feedback guys! Should be locked and freezed now, but I'm having some issues with the FM. As soon as I turn the Ratio or Depth knobs, the CPU goes crazy. Any ideas?
Removed the whole FM section for now. The rest should work fine though.
The latest one was not locked and frozen... If you want some help debugging the FM, I could check it out :)
That would be great! Tried freezing and locking it again. Pressed the lock button, then the freeze button then saved it, and that's it right? Or is there more to it I should know about? Sorry for the late reply btw.
Haha, du er norsk jo! Trykket meg inn på soundclouden din nemlig. Liten verden :)
Haha :D

Jeg skal laste den ned og prøve nå :)
Den funker :D
Herlig! :) Ser du noe galt med FM delen forresten? Har fjernet den fra presentation mode, men alt skal ligge der inne. Skulle gjerne hatt en LFO også. Vet du om noen bra tutorials til det
Herlig! :) Ser du noe galt med FM delen forresten? Har fjernet den fra presentation mode, men alt skal ligge der inne. Skulle gjerne hatt en LFO også. Vet du om noen bra tutorials til det
Jeg kan sjekke FM-delen :)
I min synth "Nerd Electro" har jeg laget LFOer ved å "sample" en waveform og deretter å konvertere verdiene til å passe til parameteret du vil kontrollere. Du kan bruke Snapshot~ til å sample en waveform, og så er det enkel matte å konvertere de tallverdiene du får :) Pass på at samplingsfrekvensen er minst dobbelt så høy som LFO-hastigheten!
Jeg synes forøvrig tuning av oscillatorer er noe av det viktigste i en additiv synth :)

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