Device Details


Name | Version: HWZ CV Tools 1.0
Author: Howes
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Max for Live devices designed for controlling equipment via CV/Gate

Analog Sequencer
Gate Sequencer
Quad LFO
Ring Modulator
Sample And Hold
Slew & Ramp Smooth
Voltage Generator
X Y Pad (with clocked randomize)
Envelope Generator

Other devices included
Drawwave - 4 voice customization wavetable synth
OctoRiddim - 8 midi note polyrhythm generator
QuadRiddim - 4 midi note polyrhythm generator


Live Version Used: 9.0.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.4
Date Added: Mar 18 2014 01:24:09
Date Last Updated: Mar 18 2014 01:45:52
Downloads: 4
License: None
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Wow these look like great fun thanks!

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