Device Details


Name | Version: LeapMoDULAtion 0.2
Author: LSKA
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: A Max For Live device to control any Ableton Live parameter moving hands and fingers in 3D space using the Leap Motion

New in version 0.2:

device is now based on Ircam’s leapmotion external
new mapping method
both Mac and Windows compatible (haven’t still tested the Windows version, any feedback would be appreciated)


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.5
Date Added: Oct 06 2013 13:12:36
Date Last Updated: Aug 30 2015 13:02:46
Downloads: 4
License: AttributionShareAlike
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pc version? pleez
Hi piguz,
the device is based on the aka.leapmotion external, developed by Masayuku Akamatsu, which is only for Mac.
I don't have the coding skills to make a Windows version of the external, so I'm afraid ther will not be a windows version, unless someone builds a Leapmotion Max external for windows.
somebody compiled an aka.leapmotion compatible and cross-platform module, could you please update your plugin tusing this?
Thanks for the link, I'll try to work on it next week!
it works liche a charm, it's just a straight renaming job (once you have installed everything in the right place): just write mxj semdd.leapmotion instead of aka.leapmotion, save and it's done...

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