Device Details


Name | Version: AbleLoop - Sexy Live Looper Interface 1.0.0
Author: toler1305
Device Type: MIDI Transformation
Description: Ever want to jam like Marc Rebillet??

AbleLoop is an interface for Abletion Live, that is built for live performance or jamming at the studio.
It makes live looping fun, encourages improvisation, and is fully mappable to various setups.

This is a Windows Application (exe), it opens up in a seperate windows and controls Ableton via a custom made liveset with a few Max devices and a custom control script (@leolabs\AbletonJS).

- Auto BPM (set bpm via first loop)
- No Hands Control
- Instantly Layer Midi Loops
- Fast&Flexible Input Switching
- Saved "Bands" of your presets, premixed.
- Preload instruments into memory (for quick addition during a session)
- Loop Slots independant of tracks, map to illuminated pads (Launchpad X, Push...)
- Comes ready with 25+ sampled instruments (from AbleTunes & Brian Funk)
- Intuitive interface

tempo follow, loop midi, live looping, Marc Rebillet, AbleLoop, auto BPM, hands-free control, layer midi loops, input switching, saved presets, instrument preload, loop slots, illuminated pads, Launchpad X, Push, sampled instruments, AbleTunes, Brian Funk, MIDI controller mapping, live set optimization, performance tools, real-time looping, dynamic effects switching, MIDI/audio looping, advanced MIDI mapping, quick instrument addition, Max for Live, live performance, jamming tools, studio improvisation, live set, instant bands, session instruments, mapping to pads, pre-mixed bands, looping interface, live improvisation, MIDI loops.


Live Version Used: 11.0.0
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jun 27 2024 12:27:32
Date Last Updated: Jun 28 2024 13:43:23
Downloads: 0
License: Attribution
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I'm getting an error during installation

"ENOENT: no such file or directory, Istat Appdata\Local\Programs\ableloop\extraFiles\Remote Script, Ableloop"
Executable file
@halfman73 Thanks for the bug report! this is now fixed in the latest first (available on the website)
@crsmarker Yes! this is a windows app, it opens up in a seperate windows and controls Ableton via a custom made liveset with a few Max devices and a custom control script (@leolabs\AbletonJS).

I added that to the description for clarification :)

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